
De cómo la validación de notificaciones tributarias defectuosas por un órgano judicial puede provocar una lesión del derecho fundamental a la tutela judicial efectiva
11 May 2021
El cambio de criterio interpretativo en la aplicación de la exención por reinversión en la adquisición de vivienda habitual establecida en el Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas tras la Sentencia de la Sección Segunda de la Sala de lo Contencioso del Tribunal Supremo nº 1239/2020, de 1 de octubre de 2020 (recurso nº 1056/2019)
27 January 2021
En búsqueda de un nuevo marco fiscal internacional para el Siglo XXI: el Impuesto sobre Determinados Servicios Digitales como solución provisional
23 December 2020


Seminario “El Derecho Financiero y Tributario ante el Reto Demográfico: envejecimiento, despoblación y población flotante”
16 February 2024
La tributación en Ceuta: problemas actuales y perspectivas de futuro
23 November 2023
Seminario “Singularidades territoriales y fiscales en España y la Unión Europea: Ceuta y Melilla y los territorios de ultramar”
17 October 2023


The group of investigation and study of Financial law (SEJ-326) constituted as Agent of knowledge inside the Andalusian System of Investigation is one of the most active groups of the University of Granada so much regarding his scientific production as to the execution of projects and lines of investigation developed with the purpose of giving fulfillment to the function of transfer of the investigation to the society from the Public University.At present it possesses twenty-two active belonging doctors all of them to the Department of Law and Tributary of the University of Granada, who gives teaching degree in the Faculties of Law, Sciences of the Work and Managerial and Economic Sciences of the Campus of Granada, in the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Campus of Melilla and in the Faculty of Education, Economy and Technology of the Campus of Ceuta. Of equal form, the doctors of group collaborate actively in the development of the own educations so much of the University of Granada as of other public and private, national and international universities and belong to the teachers’ staff of the following official másteres offered by our University: a) Labor, fiscal and juridical advising of the company; b) Law of the business; c) Direction and public management, d) International law and international relations; e) Gerontology, dependence and protection of major; f) Access to the law g) Audit; h) Professorship of secondary obligatory education – campus of Granada and of Ceuta-.

In the bosom of the Group and under his support there develop different projects of investigation financed by public and private entities that stem from his concurrence to competitive summons and that allow us to penetrate into the principal lines of investigation of the Group, lines that are of high scientific, social and political interest, since they include the different fields of the territorial financing of the public entities and the financial resources – his location and procedures of exaction – necessary to finance the collective interests.

With the production and development of this web page it is tried, not only to give visibility to the works, lines and projects of investigation of the Group, but also to penetrate into the transfer of investigation of his members for with the society, publicizing his investigations and projects and receiving the stimuli and the contributions that there sues us the society to which we serve.

With the web of the group ” Investigation and Study of the Financial law ” we try to offer a dynamic tool that is not alone a digital plank of news, creating, from this instrument, an observatory of the principal questions on the financial and tributary resources that there allows us an alive, updated and permanent transfer with the social Agents, who are, definitively, the last addressees of our labor of investigation.

We hope that the result, which all his visitors must judge, adjusts to our expectations of rigor, quality and social commitment.

Juan López Martínez

Responsible for the Group of Investigation SEJ-326